Pledge Now!
Our goal is 100% participation. Pledging is an easy way to commit your support for our students today, and pay when it is most convenient for your family.
Your pledge, of any amount, is valued and appreciated. All gifts received by June 30th count toward the Ross School Foundation Annual Giving Campaign. Thank you for your generosity!
Ross School Giving Levels
Our suggested gift per student is $6,100
Ross School Foundation (RSF) helps Ross School District (RSD) sustain and enhance an exceptional public education for all K-8 students. Working together with parents, the school district, and community, we provide RSD with financial resources to create a rich and inspiring education for our children beyond what is possible with public funds. RSF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Tax ID# 94-2838271.